A World of Opportunity


Innovative Programs

An overview of some of the exceptional programming we offer students:

  • The Life Design LabMultidisciplinary course of study rooted in the theoretical and methodological principles of Design Thinking; culminates in a capstone research project and public presentation on the student's chosen topic of interest.
  • Music Education and Performance:  Curricular and extra-curricular programs in symphonic band, wind ensemble, orchestra, concert choir, marching band, jazz band, jazz voice ensemble, and women’s glee club.  Students have access to a range of performance options, including concerts, competitions, showcases, and honor ensembles.
  • Peer Group Connection:  Accredited leadership program designed by the Princeton Center for Learning; student leaders are carefully selected and trained to provide peer mentoring and facilitate discussions about healthy choices and life skills with younger students. 
  • STEM Academy:  Highly selective, four-year program (by application only) that offers students specialized instruction, field experience, professional mentoring, and co-curricular activities in a number of pathways: Biomedicine, Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Sustainability, Computer Science, Mathematics and General STEM.
  • Technology Education—Communication and Media Studies:  Integrated studies in media history, theory, research and management with production work in film, audio, video, and digital media; course of study includes photographic imaging, graphic design, broadcasting (TV and radio), and filmmaking. Morristown High School has a student-run public radio station, WJSV (90.5 FM; WJSVFM.com), as well as a television studio, where students produce the biweekly Colonial Corner, available on YouTube.
  • Technology Education—Engineering and Design:  Focus area based on the DIY or Maker movement, drawing on open-source methods and innovative technology; coursework in Computer Assisted Design (CAD), engineering, architecture, robotics, alternative energy and sustainable design.   
  • Theatre Arts:  Coursework in acting and in public speaking; audition-only production of a yearly dramatic or comedic work (fall) and musical (spring), offering ancillary opportunities in set design, hair and makeup, costuming, lighting, sound, publicity, and playbill copywriting, editing, and layout.
Addams Family Cast
Health Careers Pathway
MHS Woodwinds